SERVICES Architecture Schematic Design

The initial phase of design services is Schematic Design. During this phase, Sarfatty Associates works with the client in order to combine the various programmatic requirements with existing site conditions and code requirements. The scale, function, and relationships between the programmed rooms and spaces are taken into account in order to produce a cohesive, efficient, and building code-compliant proposed layout. Major aesthetic elements, such as building form, design themes, and major construction materials and finishes are also introduced during this phase.
During Schematic Design, Sarfatty Associates produces preliminary drawings and documents as necessary to illustrate the design intent and facilitate discussion with the client. At a minimum, these typically consist of: site plans, floor plans, building elevations, and key sections; but may include other documents, such as key material specifications, a preliminary code study, and an energy analysis. Computer-generated renderings, promotional materials, and/or preliminary cost estimates for use in obtaining financing, fundraising campaigns, and/or zoning hearings may also be produced when required.
Once all programmatic objectives and code requirements have been met, and the client is satisfied with the proposed layout and design, the final step of this phase is formal approval of the design. This approval from the client authorizes Sarfatty Associates to proceed to the next phase of the project, Design Development, in which the project will be fine-tuned to an even greater level of detail.