June 14, 2009
Camp Ramah in Wisconsin opens its new Dining and Kitchen Facility

After nearly four years of careful planning and creative design, Camp Ramah in Wisconsin started construction on their single largest project – a 23,000 S.F. dining and kitchen facility built on the site of the existing facility it replaces. This required that the existing building be demolished as soon as the 2008 camp season ended and the new building be constructed through the cold snowy winter months in order to be completed in time for the 2009 camp season. The structure and finishes are predominately comprised of wood or other natural materials. Each of the three equally sized dining rooms accommodates up to 300 persons, has expansive operable windows for light/ventilation, open cathedral ceilings, a special acoustical treatment to minimize noise and an energy conscious ventilation system that provides maximum comfort without air conditioning. Specially color coded floors and fascias to designate the separate “meat” and “dairy” portions of the kitchen. A deep covered porch wraps around the building which provides shading from the sun and a place to meet and relax. A 26,000 gallon reservoir was built under the building to provide water for the full fire protection sprinkler system because wells do not provide sufficient volume for this type of high demand system. Other infrastructure upgrades include an enlarged septic system with a lift station, new electrical service and conversion from propane to a natural gas service, all of which were a challenge to accomplish in this remote "Northwoods" location. Check out the new pics in the 'Recreation' section of our project portfolio.