SERVICES Architecture Construction Documents

Sarfatty Associates begins preparation of the Construction Documents phase upon completion and approval of the Design Development drawings phase. The Construction Documents describe all aspects of the project via plans, details, notes, and carefully prepared material and finish schedules and specifications. When completed, Construction Documents are used for contractor bidding, permit approvals, and ultimately to construct the project.
Sarfatty Associates heads a team of trusted professionals to provide design and engineering of the site, landscape, structure, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and fire protection design. We coordinate their work so that all systems seamlessly integrate with each other, in harmony with our architectural and interior design. In this way, our team produces a complete, code compliant, and easy to use set of Construction Documents that minimizes conflicts or ambiguity during construction.
Clarity and accuracy are extremely important, because uncertainty or inconsistencies in the Construction Documents may lead to change orders, or additional expenses not anticipated in the contractorā€™s bid. By applying care to the coordination of this phase, we are able to minimize deviations from a projectā€™s scope, providing the client with a project that is on time and budget compliant.